- ຄ່າໃຊ້ຈ່າຍໃນການຄັດເລຶອກເອົາສະມາຊິກເຂົ້າຮ່ວມໂຄງການ
- ຄ່າໃຊ້ຈ່າຍໃນການຕ້ອງຮັບຊາວຫນຸ່ມປະເທດອື່ນທີ່ມາຢ້ຽມຢາມ
- ຄ່າພາສີເດີນບິນ
- ການເຮັດການປະກັນໄພອຸບັດຕິເຫດ
- ການກວດສຸກຂະພາບຮ່າງກາຍຂອງຕົນເອັງ
- ຄ່າໃຊ້ຈ່າຍອື່ນໆ
- ທ່ານສາມາດໄປຮັບເອົາແບບຟອມການສະຫມັກໄດ້ທີ່ ສູນກາງຊາວຫນຸ່ມລາວ
- ແຕ່ລະປີຈະເປີດຮັບສະຫມັກໃນຊ່ວງກາງເດືອນເມສາ ເຖິງເດືອນພຶດສະພາ
- ລາຍລະອຽດເພິ່ມເຕີມ ກະລຸນາຕິດຕໍ່ສູນການຊາວຫນຸ່ມໄດ້ທີ່ຫມາຍເລກ tel: 416727
How can we participate in SSEAYP?
1. 18-30 years of age
2. Able to participate throughout the program
3. Having a command of English adequate to enable participation in the activities both on board and in the countries visited.
4. In good health, both physically and mentally.
5. Adaptable to an orderly group life in accordance with the program schedule
6. Having a good understanding of, and interest in, the countries visited
Do we have to pay for this program?
Payment of Expense
1. The Government of Japan
shall bear the following costs, as well as the costs required for the operation of the ship.
1.1 Airfare for participating youths from their countries to the starting point.
1.2 Airfare for participating youths from the finished point to their countries.
1.3 Meals and beverages served according to the designated schedule on board the ship
1.4 Transportation for study tours , etc. in the designated itinerary in countries visited
1.5 Transportation , admission fees , accommodation and meals required for study tours in the designated itinerary in Japan
Anyone disqualified as National Leader or participating youth (including those who are unable to continue their participation due to any cause for which the Government of Japan is not responsible) must pay their own expenses for returning home.
Japanese government will not respond for medical service in any case except service by doctor on board the ship.
2. Each country respond for:
2.1 Selection and training
2.2 Welcome all participant youths in country program
2.3 Airport tax
2.4 Accident insurance
3. Participating youth respond for:
3.1 Medical inspections for health
3.2 any suitable expense
In Laos:
The application forms are available at Lao Youth Union.
The selection of participating youth (PYs) will start during April-May of each year.
For more information, please contact Lao Youth Union, tel: 85621-416727
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